Adventure begins in your head. Love begins in your head. Happiness begins in your head – and what starts in your head may just manifest itself on your head too. Your haircut is part of your personality and style, and reflects how you feel. In other words, your hair is part of who you are.
Our philosophy
So it goes without saying that our hairstylists do a lot more than just cut hair. Our artists have their own individual style, proven techniques and their own concept and vision of trends from Tokyo to Paris. But we have one thing in common: we give our clients the perfect look – each time they visit us. After all, everything and everyone changes: us, our customers, trends and styles… The only constant is change. And transformation is the key to understanding the world and adds purpose to our lives.
We focus all our energies on you. After visiting us at ghel, you shouldn’t just feel irresistible – you should truly be it. We get you ready for that big date or life event. We advise you personally every time we cut your hair, paying close attention to your look – how you dress, your presentation and even your make-up. We also consider your inner values – who you are, how you want to be perceived and what is important to you. Only then do we finally reach for the scissors, comb, and colour. And only then do small changes have a big effect.